Erdem Group, ofis mobilya sistemleri üretimi İstanbul Kıraç’ta 25 bin metrekare kapalı alandaki tesislerde yapılmaktadır. Yıllık 240 bin metrekare ahşap yüzey işleme ve 38.000 adet koltuk üretme kapasitesine sahiptir. |
Erdem Group performs manufacturing of office furniture systems in İstanbul Kiraç, in its facilities in an indoor area of 25 thousand square meters. İt has the capacity of processing wood surface of annually 240 thousand square meters and manufacturing 38 thousand pieces of sofa. |
Le groupe Erdem réalise sa production des systémes de mobilier pour office dans ses installations de domaine clôturé de 25 milles métres carrés á İstanbul Kiraç. İl posséde une capacité de production de 38,000 fauteuils et d’exploitation de surface en bois de 240 milles métres carrés par an |